Thursday, September 22, 2016

Simple Self Sufficiency Tip

Hi Boss Ladies,

Summer is over, the calendar says so. Here in the Bay Area, we're starting our warm season, but even with the heat, or better said, because of the continued heat, the tree leaves are turning orange. I may continue to feed my kids bland watermelon for a few more weeks, but still, its officially Fall. Instead of being sad over the end of tanning season, lets instead use the Autumn Equinox as a reminder to update our Etsy Shops. 

Perfect for fall, Click to visit Karen on Etsy

Let yourself try new tags and titles. Perhaps your Mother's Day Jewelry is ready to become Christmas Gifts for Mom. Perhaps your back to school bags should go back to being regular ole book bags. Whatever changes you make, wether you get ready for the Holiday Season now - or take some time for Halloween sales, just remember to update something. Even something as simple as updating your featured listings gives your shop a fresh feel.

Whether you are still decorating for fall, or already gearing up for Christmas, Shady Rest Designs is ready for you. 

Let us know in the comments below, what updates you made for your shop, and of course, share the link.  
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This self sufficiency post was written by Metzli from Metzlislight. If you enjoy her writing and want to see some of her other articles, visit her here.